nTracer is an image processing plugin for ImageJ/Fiji which allows
Please cite:
Multispectral tracing in densely labeled mouse brain with nTracer.
Roossien DH, Sadis BV*, Yan Y*, Webb JM*, Min LY, Dizaji AS, Bogart LJ, Mazuski C, Huth RS, Stecher JS, Akula S, Shen F, Xiao T, Vandenbrink M, Lichtman JW, Hensch TK, Herzog ED, Cai D Bioinformatics 2019;btz084
The distribution of Brainbow and nTracer is partially supported by an NSF grant. Please register as a user and acknowledge "NSF-1707316 NeuroNex MINT" in your future publications that use Brainbow and nTracer.
The distribution of Brainbow and nTracer is partially supported by an NSF grant. Please register as a user and acknowledge "NSF-1707316 NeuroNex MINT" in your future publications that use Brainbow and nTracer.
March 12, 2020: nTracer1.3.5 Changelog
March 12, 2020: nTracer1.3.5 Changelog
Buffered virtual stack implementation (allows 200Gb image to be opened on <8Gb of memory)
Support for ROI manager in nTracer views
Backend performance improvements in trace rendering and maximum projection (traces load x10 faster)
Support for visualization of imported ROIs
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nTracer Supplemental Training Videos
nTracer Supplemental Training Videos
Tracing Somas
Tracing Somas
Tracing Neuronal Spines
Tracing Neuronal Spines
Tracing Neurites
Tracing Neurites
Identifying Synapses
Identifying Synapses